How does Buy An Acre Work?
For every £100 donation to the Buy an Acre programme, one of World Land Trust’s overseas partners will be able to purchase one acre of habitat and protect it in perpetuity for wildlife. WLT works with a network of trusted conservation partners all around the world, who have been evaluated and visited to ensure they have the experience, knowledge and track record to create and protect wildlife reserves. Land is therefore owned by local people, who know the land, the threats and the wildlife. They are experts in conservation in their respective countries and work with local communities, employing local people. By placing the land in their ownership they take on the responsibility of ensuring the protection of the reserve and its wildlife. Once it is in their ownership it cannot be purchased by other landowners who may want to clear the habitat for agriculture, illegal logging, cattle encroachment or poaching. Rangers patrol the reserves to deter and detect poachers, monitor wildlife and maintain reserve infrastructure such as access roads, paths or visitor’s centres.