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Navigating free childcare: Strategies for high earners

Balancing career progression and family needs is a complex task, especially when it comes to navigating the income threshold for free childcare support. For families with a combined income nearing £100,000, this issue particularly pertinent. Losing free childcare can be a substantial financial hit, making it essential to explore legal strategies to manage your earnings effectively.

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Navigating UK dividend taxes: a beginner’s guide for new directors

Taking on a director role brings new challenges, not least of which is understanding dividend tax. This guide simplifies the key aspects, providing clear, actionable advice. Dive into the fundamentals of dividend taxes and learn how to make informed decisions that benefit both you and your business. Ideal for any director ready to tackle their financial responsibilities with confidence.

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Profit, plan, prosper: Year-End financial strategies for business owners

As a company director or business owner, your financial well-being is deeply intertwined with the health of your business. Whether your financial year-end aligns with the typical cycles or falls at a less common time, the challenges remain significant. From enhancing profitability and managing cash flow to maximising tax allowances and thresholds. Proactive planning can alleviate the stress associated with year-end.

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Safeguarding your future: Essential insurance & protection strategies for family security

Protecting family income has become increasingly prevalent, driven by changes in both societal norms and economic conditions. Here we take a look at why this aspect of financial planning is more crucial than ever and give you some ideas around things you could do yourself, or with the guidance of a financial adviser, to keep your family finances water-tight.

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Our Guide To The Spring Budget 2024

We bring you all the announcements from Jeremy Hunt's 2024 Spring Budget. From changes to capital gains tax, changes to VAT thresholds and new reliefs for the creative industries there is plenty to get you teeth stuck in to.

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How to pay less tax: utilise your 2024/25 tax allowances

Are you making the most of tax allowances and thresholds? You might not even understand how to tax-efficiently plan your finances? That is ok, but if you let another year pass where you don't effectively plan to make the most of your financial situation this will have another year's impact on you, your family or business. Just start off by reading our overview of how to make the most of the tax year end. One step at a time, small incremental progress can have a bigger impact on how you manage your money.

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Finance New Year resolutions that could actually change your life

We don't often spend the time to really think about what we are working so hard for? Why are we saving? If you are keen to improve your financial stability and build your wealth, here are some ideas for New Year's Resolutions so you can manage your money more effectively in 2024.

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How to become a millionaire and also stay one

“Who wants to be a millionaire?” probably quite a few of us actually! Many people don't know that there is a proven way to get there over the long-term. You do need patience on your side though and "no" it doesn’t involve "phoning a friend" to get their idea on what the answer is. The truth to millionaire success is in regular investing in the stock market over the long term and taking advantage of the power of compound investment growth. Here we explain all in simple terms with zero jargon.

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Our Guide To The Spring Budget 2023

The Spring Budget is an important event in the financial calendar. Presented each year by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it offers an update on the current economy and outlines the changes to come in the new tax year. In this guide we bring you all the changes that are likely to impact your personal and/or business finances.

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Discover your why: understand the life you want and invest your way towards it

London Chartered Financial Planner, Alex Caswell, shares with us the importance of understanding your “why” when investing. "One of the reasons I became a financial adviser is to help people find their why like I did myself. It sounds easy to do but none of us spend the time to really think about what we are working so hard for. Here I share some links between finding your why and how you could be managing your money more effectively and tips to understanding your purpose in life."

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