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Cherie-Anne Baxter-Blyth

Cherie-Anne is a Chartered Marketer, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Marketing & Strategy Director for Unividual.
Contact Cherie-Anne

My Credentials

Qualifications: BSc Hons Business Studies, Professional Diploma in Marketing, Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, Chartered Marketer

Awards: 2024 Most Influential Women In Bath & Somerset, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Member of Chartered Insurance Institute, Insuring Women’s Futures Ambassador, Women In Finance Charter

Office Address: Sterling House, Bath, BA1 3AN

Contact Details: 01225 427 474 | 07904 676 901

Links: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook| Testimonials


A little bit about me

Cherie-Anne joined Unividual in 2014, at a time when Unividual was a very small family-run business. She says “I will never forget my first day, plonked in the corner of the office with no clue where my computer was or how to set it up. The first thing I wrote on my pad was ‘implement IT infrastructure and induction program’. At the time the office was in the attic of mum and dad’s house. I remember thinking ‘I am literally sitting in my old bedroom’.

Coming from a very successful marketing career in recruitment she often recounts that she did have a moment where she thought “have I made a mistake”? From that first day she has never looked back and her unwavering commitment to change the industry has been a beacon of hope for many.

Since joining, a great many things have changed, Unividual has transformed from the small entity that it was to a progressive organisation that now employs 25 people and houses 6 financial advisers, with another 3 advisers in the wings training up.  Unividual now look after around 1000 clients each year, taking care of over £190m of assets under management.  A large proportion of this progression has stemmed from the launch of Unicademy, Unividual’s very own in-house academy that trains aspiring finance professionals. It was probably one of the very first things that Cherie-Anne and, her brother and co-director, Lewis Baxter, launched.  Over time the business grew and she crafted around her an operational team, all incredibly talented individuals from the financial services industry. This allowed her to continue to grow Unividual’s marketing function and ensure this scalable brand can march on for generations to come.

Women making their mark in finance

Supporting women in business is Cherie-Anne’s passion, Unividual was established over 20 years ago by her father and founding director John Baxter. He always had a vision to create a business that allowed people to prosper regardless of background, gender or ethnicity. The world of finance was very different back then, of course the world of women in work as a whole was different. Cherie-Anne talks about the privileges she has grown up with: “I realised that all my life I had been lucky enough to be around people who valued my worth, however financial advice is a male-dominated industry.”

It is estimated that female advisers are outnumbered by male counterparts by a ratio of anywhere from 10:1 to 6:1. Many still view finance as a man’s world yet 80% of women are solely responsible for their household’s finances at some point. Women will inherit 70% of the wealth passed down over the next two generations – which means they will control ⅔ of household wealth by 2030. In fact, about 53% of UK millionaires will be female by 2025.


The future is female

She continues: “As a novice to the industry the lack of women advisers made no sense to me. Female financial advisers account for just 15% of the total adviser population. So mine and Lewis’s goal from the outset was to ensure we did everything we could to give entrepreneurial people, irrelevant of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background or class, a place they could learn, grow and thrive. As a woman in finance I owe it to our clients, consumers, employees and local community to change the industry from the grass roots up.”  Cherie-Anne has dedicated her time to ensuring she is a role model and mentor to other women and men.  For over a year she worked alongside Domestic Abuse Charity, Southside, to launch a development board.  She coaches young goals at Corsham Hockey Club and she is passionate about working with young female entrepreneurs. She also drives the development of women’s football through her involvement at Swindon Supermarine Football Club.

Voted as one of The Most Influential People

This work was recognised by the government a few years ago when Unividual proudly became one of few firms in the country to be awarded with a place on the Women In Finance Charter and the Chartered Insurance Institute. She was made an ambassador of Insuring Women’s’ Futures, in 2023 she was voted as The Role Model of The Year at the Women in Financial Advice Awards and in 2024 was recognised as one of the Most Influential Women in Bath and Somerset during International Women’s Day. On receiving this nomination she said, “I am deeply honoured by this . It’s not just a personal achievement but a moment to highlight the collective progress we’ve made towards gender equality in our community and the broader business world. International Women’s Day is a powerful platform to acknowledge the strides we’ve made and the work still ahead of us. It’s a day to celebrate the achievements of women around the globe while recognising the barriers that still exist”

If you have a business or media related enquiry get in touch with Cherie-Anne

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