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Finance New Year resolutions that can change your life

We don't often spend the time to really think about what we are working so hard for? Why are we saving? If you are keen to improve your financial stability and build your wealth, here are some ideas for New Year's Resolutions so you can manage your money more effectively in 2024.

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Become a millionaire & stay one

“Who wants to be a millionaire?” probably quite a few of us actually! Many people don't know that there is a proven way to get there over the long-term. You do need patience on your side though and "no" it doesn’t involve "phoning a friend" to get their idea on what the answer is. The truth to millionaire success is in regular investing in the stock market over the long term and taking advantage of the power of compound investment growth. Here we explain all in simple terms with zero jargon.

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Our Guide To The Spring Budget 2023

The Spring Budget is an important event in the financial calendar. Presented each year by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it offers an update on the current economy and outlines the changes to come in the new tax year. In this guide we bring you all the changes that are likely to impact your personal and/or business finances.

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Building good habits in health & wealth so you actually succeed

Fed up of articles about New Year's Resolutions? Unividual has a passion for wellbeing and the intrinsic links between health, wealth and building good habits. In this article we uncover the secret sauce to hitting goals by sticking to sustainable habits over time.

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A British taboo: Talking about money & inheritance

There is a long-standing stereotype that British people avoid conversations about money. Yet there is a generation below us who are set to inherit a large amount of wealth, along with all of our financial habits and anxieties that go with it. We discuss intergenerational wealth and how inheritance planning can ensure your children and grandchildren are prepared for the future.

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Motivate yourself to a better financial future this summer

With the summer holidays upon us, now is a good time for reflection and relaxation. At Unividual we encourage our clients to ‘fix the roof while the sun shines'. Managing your finances is one of those things that is good for you to do but for whatever reason procrastination kicks in and you might not always have a handle on things. This happens to the best of us, so we take a look at some of the things you could be doing this summer to set you up for the future.

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Planning finances around redundancy

Global events have had a significant impact on the economy and uncertainty not only affects how we think about our finances but can have a life-changing impact on our career, family and financial wellbeing. With a cost of living crisis in full flow we take a look at the impact redundancy has on our finances and highlight ways you could make the most out of a redundancy payment.

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7 financial tips for a divorce or break-up

In April there were some key changes to The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act with aims to reduce conflict amongst divorcing couples and allowing couples to end a marriage jointly. This has led to an increase in the number of people enquiring about how divorce and separation impact on financial planning.

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Money Doctor: Women are on the brink of a finance epidemic

Money Doctor is a column written by Unividual's Cherie-Anne Baxter in Bristol Life Magazine. This edition she focuses on how women can build their financial literacy and create more independence for themselves and their family.

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Money Doctor: Teaching Kids Early About Money

Money Doctor is a column written by Unividual's Cherie-Anne Baxter in Bristol Life Magazine. This edition she focuses on teaching children about money. We now live in a very different world to when we were kids, rising house prices, student debt...it all adds up to a less favourable future for our kids. Read up on how you can prepare them for adult life.

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