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Our service makes us different

Delivering bespoke, intelligent financial planning isn’t easy. Anyone from Unividual interacting with a client is part of an intricately designed series of processes that creates the Unividual experience.

The Unividual Secret

Our staff have developed the expertise to really listen and connect with clients, which is the key to Unividual’s financial planning service. In 2023 82% of our business came from existing clients and of the new clients who decided to work with Unividual 77% of them were recommended to the business by people we know. Loyalty is not just about repeat business, it exists when clients let their friends and family in on ‘the Unividual secret’. The secret to our service lies in how we involve clients and staff in developing service standards. At Unividual, we listen to what our clients want: this is fed back and we adapt business processes and employee training so our staff have what they need to meet and exceed those expectations.

Feedback is like gold dust

Right from an employee’s first week, we instil the notion that client opinion and feedback is valued. They are ‘golden nuggets’ of information to be respected and utilised to improve the business. Everyone interprets things in different ways and we can embrace that information to learn and understand how to perfect communication. Learning opportunities are also positively shared with the entire team. None of us is flawless, but at Unividual we always endeavour to do the right thing and treat clients as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Lifetime partners

The advice process is a long one, and we hope that it will go on for your entire life. So understanding and delivering on your needs sits at the centre of achieving a long-standing and mutually beneficial relationship. This kind of service and attention to detail is rare in businesses, so read up on a few case studies from our clients and, when you are ready, get in touch.

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